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Monday 24 May 2010

More things from 4º

In 4º we are learning how to describe people, and they have described some members of their families.

En 4º estamos aprendiendo a describir a la gente, y han descrito a algunos miembros de sus familias.

My mum's name is Mª Carmen. She is tall. She has got curly hair. She is thin. She works in the court. She has got fair hair, green eyes and small ears. She is strong.

Lucía Burgos.

My father is tall and thin. He has got short and curly hair. He has got glasses and brown eyes.

Carlos Hergueta.

My mother is a short and thin woman with long, straight hair.

Sara Delgado.

My brother is tall and thin. He has got short. straight hair.

Blanca Vega.

My mum is a short and thin woman with curly hair.

Francisco Javier Toledano.

My brother has got an average height. He is studying law. He has got straight hair and brown eyes. He likes playing footballand listening to music. He has got a car.

Fernando Alonso

My brother is a nurse. He is tall and thin. He has got dark hair. He likes fruit and meat. He also likes playing football. I love my brother.

Marta Romero.

My mum is tall and thin. She has got long, straight, dark hair. 

Magdalena Salas. 

1 comment:

Pablossbb said...

Esto va aparte puedes poner pasión of to be

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